
Showing posts from February, 2023

Intimacy in Marriages

  Throughout the week, we have learned about a subject that sometimes can be a little uncomfortable, depending on how it was talked about, but also essential to know so it can help us in relationships and marriages. We have learned about the kinds of relationships that couples have with each other when they are intimate. One of the sets of data that we looked at is when men and women reach the high peak of sexual pleasure. For men, they reach it around the age of 18 or 19, for women, they reach it around the ages between 30-35. We also talk about the kinds of chemicals that are released when pleasure is felt, for example the chemicals we talked about was dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Oxytocin is the chemical where it helps us feel close to the person we are with. Oxytocin also comes into play for women after they give birth to their children and they want to be close to their children. One of the other models that we looked at was the circle between two factors of when couples

Transitions in Relationships

We continued our focus involving the different aspects and models involving dating. We continued to talk a little more about the 4 step model of dating, as we reviewed, the steps were dating, courtship, engagement, and marriage. We focused on how the steps engagement and marriage were different between the past and the present. We mentioned how people propose or get proposed to in many different ways. In the past, the typical way of asking someone to marry them, they asked the parents for permission first and then they ask the person that they want to marry to marry them. Nowadays, it happens in different ways. One of the ways happens like if it’s a negotiation, where they talk about their needs and how they want their lifestyle to be and if they both agree, then they get engaged. Other ways could involve putting on a show, asking them casually, or other ways to make the proposal a big deal. Some of the things that involve an engagement are some things that both the couple and its

Dating Aspects and Models

  This week in class we decided to cover the topic of how much the world has changed throughout the years. Specifically the way people dated other people has changed in the years. The culture, social aspects, and experiences people have with dating have changed drastically. We also talked about the different aspects that we see in dating today in the world such as casual dating, serious relationships, and cohabiting. We discussed the old fashioned model of dating and tried to see the similarities and differences between the past and now.   We discussed one of the things that didn’t really change as much was the ultimate goal for dating, which was to be married. With the way marriage worked throughout the years, there have been many changes as well. For example, the different roles that each marriage had has changed through the years. With providing, protecting, and presiding depended on being decided between the husband and the wife on the roles they want to take in the marriage an